Community with caution.
The Reedfish can be a great fun addition to a large community aquarium. They do not pester other fish (providing they are not small enough to be eaten). They will grow quite large and do need plenty of hiding places. They are also mainly nocturnal so artificial lighting should not be too bright if you want then to be active at other times.
Species – Reed Fish – Erpetoichthys Calabaricus
Current Size - 20cm - 30cm
Adult Length - 60cm
Temperature Range – 26 - 28°C
pH Range – 6.5 – 7.5
Special Requirements - None
Tanks Mates and Compatibility – They are a peaceful Large community fish so can be in most large community situations.
Feeding – They are carnivorous and reluctantly take dried food. They thrive on frozen or fresh tubifex, bloodworm etc.
We recommend:
Please note – Some images used are library photos and will show the colour potential at a fully mature size, as our fish are juveniles they may vary.
We always aim to supply the fish as close to the purchase size as possible. On rare occasions if this is not possible we will contact you.
The fish are selected at random however you are welcome to make a note on the order and the fish manager will do his best for you, requests are dependent on stock at the time of your order.