Caution advised. Grows large and is predatory!
The Clarius catfish is also known as the walking catfish due to is ability to crawl along wet ground. It is hardy, aggressive, voracious and really interesting to keep, providing you don’t want to keep any other smaller fish in with it. If they can fit it in their mouths then they will eat it!
It needs a lot of space but, other than that, it is completely unfussy.
Species – Marbled Clarias Catfish – Clarias batrachus
Current Size – 5cm - 7cm
Adult Length – 50-60cm in captivity
Temperature Range – 18 - 27°C
pH Range – 5.5 – 8.0
Special Requirements: This is a fast growing catfish that needs space. Prefers a soft substrate.
Tanks Mates and Compatibility – If this catfish can fit it in its mouth then it will eat it. Any tank mate needs to be bigger than the catfish and robust. This is definitely not a community fish!

Feeding – The Clarius is truly an omnivore and will eat almost anything that it offered. Adult specimens do not need feeding every day. Take care not to overfeed as this cat does not know when to stop!
Please note – Some images used are library photos and will show the colour potential at a fully mature size, as our fish are juveniles they may vary.
We always aim to supply the fish as close to the purchase size as possible. On rare occasions if this is not possible we will contact you.
The fish are selected at random however you are welcome to make a note on the order and the fish manager will do his best for you, requests are dependent on stock at the time of your order.