Green Severum
Heros Efasciatus
American Cichlid Community
The Severum is one of the most popular American cichlids in the hobby, although hobbyists often overlook that they can attain a large size and are not suitable for small aquariums. They do make a good fish for an American community setup, providing there are no small fish that they can eat!
Adult Length: 20-25cm
Temperature Range: 22.5 – 29°C
pH Range: 5.5 – 7.0
Special Requirements: As with other similar cichlids, the Severum should be kept in a tank of 100L minimum. They require good water quality and a varied quality diet. They prefer a soft, stained water with low lighting.
Tanks Mates: The Severum is a good Cichlid community fish and can be kept with other American cichlids of similar size and nature. They do become territorial during spawning and with excavate and uproot plants at this time.
Feeding: . It is an omnivore and will eat almost everything that it is offered. Live or Frozen food should be given regularly along with flakes and pellets.