Glass Bloodfin Tetra ~ 2cm - 3cm

Price from £2.39

Quantity Price per Item
1+ Items£2.63
4+ Items£2.52
8+ Items£2.39
We currently have 15 available in stock.

SKU: 4G9

The Glass Bloodfin is a very hardy and adaptable fish, ideally suited to the beginner. Although it may appear a little drab when it arrives, once settled and more mature, its blood red tail and hardy nature make it an excellent choice for the community aquarium.

Species –  Bloodfin Tetra - Prionobrama filigera

Current Size – 2cm - 3cm

Adult Length – 4cm

Temperature Range – 20 - 28 °C

pH Range – 6.0 – 8.5

Tanks Mates and Compatibility - Smaller or similar sized tank mates that are comparable in temperament are ideal. Other tetras always coexist perfectly with the Glass Bloodfin Tetra. It is a school fish, like most Tetra, and should be kept in a group of 6 or more.  If in a group, it can be bold and active, whilst remaining peaceful with its tank mates.

Feeding – They are an omnivores and should be fed a good quality varied diet that includes crushed flake and live or frozen food.

Please note – Some images used are library photos and will show the colour potential at a fully mature size, as our fish are juvenilles they may vary.

We always aim to supply the fish as close to the purchase size as possible. However if this is not possible, we will always contact you to discuss.

The fish are selected at random however you are welcome to make a note on the order and the fish manager will do his best for you. This is dependent on current stock at the time of your order.

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