Fluval FX4 External Filter


We currently have 2 available in stock.

SKU: 3Q3
The Fluval FX4 is a powerful and very comfortable external filter with a very large filtering volume. 

The performance data of this filter is impressive: 14 litres filter volume, 3.9 litres of biological filter volume, pump output: 2650 l/h with only 30 W power consumption for aquariums up to 1000 litres content. 

The Fluval FX4 has a ingenious self priming system. 

Only water and power on and the filter starts to pump. 

There is no need for priming or sucking. 

The Fluval FX series features a multi-functional utility valve drain at its base, making it possible to empty the canister and perform seamless water changes by draining and refilling water directly from it (and all without disturbing your setup or tank inhabitants).

As an added bonus, convenient hosing clips, located on the filter lid, allows for simple storage of the hosing when not in use.

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