Electric Blue Jack Dempsey ~ 2cm - 3cm

Price from £19.99

Quantity Price per Item
1+ Items£21.44
2+ Items£20.26
4+ Items£19.99
We currently have 15 available in stock.

SKU: 4K17

Suitable for an American Cichlid community of similar temperament fish.                                                                                                                                

The Jack Dempsey, named after the 1920s boxer, is a popular American Cichlid and the Electric Blue is a stunning colour variant. If housed in an aquarium with plenty of space and good décor, they can be an excellent Cichlid community fish. They do become more aggressive during breeding and they will hold their own against more aggressive tank mates. Provide them with a cave or similar that they can call home and they will be very settled.                        

Species – Jack Dempsey - Cichlasoma Octofasciatum

Current Size – 2cm - 3cm

Adult Length – 15cm to 25cm

Temperature Range – 24 – 28 °C

pH Range – 6.08.0

Special Requirements - They are relatively easy to keep and are very hardy once settled. They are well worth breeding and make great parents.

Tanks Mates and Compatibility - Try to keep them with fish of a similar temperament. Watch for aggressiveness when in breeding condition.

Feeding - They are not fussy eaters, accepting flakes and pellets along with live and frozen food.

Please note – Some images used are library photos and will show the colour potential at a fully mature size, as our fish are juvenilles they may vary.

We always aim to supply the fish as close to the purchase size as possible. However if this is not possible, we will always contact you to discuss.

The fish are selected at random however you are welcome to make a note on the order and the fish manager will do his best for you. This is dependent on current stock at the time of your order.


  • by Eric H

    These are stunning fish, background is choc brown to black with the electric blue. Even the small ones have great colour and JDs usually get more vivid as they grow. No bashfulness when introduced to the aquarium, the bigger of them promptly evicted a pictus twice his size from its cave!!


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